Scionwood sales are OPEN for spring 2025 shipping.
We have scionwood available including apple, pear, peach, nectarine, and plum. The scionwood is sold by the stick, each stick is approximately 8” to 12” in length. Pricing is $4.50 per stick. Orders over $100 get a 10% discount (Code: GIVEME10% ; $4.05 per stick), orders over $200 get a 15% discount (Code: GIVEME15% ; $3.83 per stick), orders over $300 get a 25% discount (Code: GIVEME25% ; $3.38) per stick.
The order of scionwood in the below is: APPLE, PLUM, PEACH, NECTARINE.
Scionwood orders will be shipped by priority mail. Shipping and handling is based on the number of sticks purchased. We take scionwood orders October through March. We begin shipping scionwood orders in March 2025. Your order will be shipped once all of the pieces of scionwood on your order have been collected. The collection process can take several weeks. Orders are filled on a first come, first served basis.
You may order online (you can chose different varieties below by name) or download the order form and email / mail the order form to us. If you order via order form, please pay by check, money order, or PayPal ( If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to send us an email.
This year’s apple harvest was a great. Red flesh apples (Almata, Bills, Buford, Niedwetzkyana, Pink Sparkle, etc) had an excellent this year which makes my hard cider maker very happy. Connell Red apples were huge this year and tasted exquisite. Asian Pears were also a great harvest, with Chorjoro being my favorite. Seckel pears, while small and dainty, pack a huge flavor!
If you want a good laugh regarding Apple Rankings read these reviews: